Floating Fairy Photography

Emily Soto's Enchanted Forest Series is Simple and Serene

There is a magical quality about the Enchanted Forest photo series that isn't just present because of the title. Whimsical and free, it is as if a real-life fairy has been captured on film for the first time. The soft glow that hovers around the model really reinforces this fantastical feeling, as if she has a special relationship with the sun.

Shot by San Diego-based fashion photographer Emily Soto, the Enchanted Forest photo series centers on the feminine elements of nature. There is absolutely nothing rugged about these shots. Instead, everything is so simple and serene in the Enchanted Forest photo series.

The Enchanted Forest photo spread was shot for Reverie Magazine's July 2011 issue. Modeled by the young nymphlike Sarina Nash, it features the work of hairstylist Lauren Ritchison and makeup artist Jen Kolhagen.
Trend Themes
1. Whimsical Fashion Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a photography style that captures the magical and enchanted qualities of fashion.
2. Nature-inspired Photo Shoots - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore ways to incorporate natural elements and feminine beauty into fashion photography for a serene and ethereal aesthetic.
3. Fairy and Fantasy Themes in Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design fashion collections and creative campaigns that embrace fairy and fantasy themes, appealing to consumers seeking magical and whimsical experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new techniques and styles that capture the essence of nature and fantasy, creating captivating visuals for fashion brands.
2. Beauty and Cosmetics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Collaborate with photographers and stylists to create nature-inspired beauty looks that align with enchanting and ethereal fashion photography.
3. Fashion Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate fairy and fantasy themes into fashion collections, creating unique and whimsical designs that resonate with consumers seeking a magical aesthetic.

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