Afro Chic Canine Captures

The Elle Brazil June 2012 'Silent Voyeur' Editorial Displays 70s Looks

The Elle Brazil June 2012 'Silent Voyeur' fashion series displays a variety of vintage 1970s-themed attire. Model Geiza Rodrigues' freestanding blonde and brunette afro adamantly confirmed the editorial's focus on the decade, perfect for this season's backpedaling style enthusiast.

Rodrigues worked with photographer Zee Nunes in Silent Voyeur. Her swift steps along bleak ubran crosswalks have been contrasted here with stylist Pedro Sales' love for bold patterns and unusual fabrics. Velvet pieces are also present throughout, fitting well with the very staples tied to the funky era. Nunes has worked these staples in with ease via high suede boots, wide circular sunglasses and red boho blazers, making Rodrigues into the prototypical free spirited traveler, or as Elle Brazil would like to say, the Silent Voyeur.
Trend Themes
1. Vintage Fashion - There is a growing trend towards embracing vintage fashion, particularly the styles of the 1970s.
2. Bold Patterns and Unusual Fabrics - Fashion enthusiasts are increasingly seeking out clothing with bold patterns and unique fabrics, bringing an element of individuality to their outfits.
3. Backpedaling Style Enthusiasts - The rise of backpedaling style enthusiasts, who are embracing retro fashion trends and incorporating them into their contemporary looks.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Retail - The fashion retail industry can capitalize on the vintage fashion trend by offering a curated selection of vintage-inspired clothing and accessories.
2. Textile Manufacturing - Textile manufacturers can explore the production of bold patterned fabrics and unique materials to meet the demand of fashion enthusiasts seeking individuality.
3. Fashion Media - Fashion media outlets can attract the attention of backpedaling style enthusiasts by featuring content that showcases how to incorporate retro fashion trends into modern outfits.

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