Edible Fashion Accessories

Fulvio Bonavia Creates a Tasteful Collection of Photos

Italian photographer Fulvio Bonavia created this tasteful collection of photographs. Fulvio makes edible accessories from fruits, vegetables and various other food products. Fulvio produced these appetizing images for his fashion photography book, "A Matter of Taste" which features belts, earrings, rings, headphones, shoes and handbags all made out of food.

Personally, I would not mind owning a purse made out of blackberries. I know it’s not practical, but I would probably be able to get through a long day easier by snacking on my purse.
Trend Themes
1. Edible Fashion - Creating fashion items from edible materials presents new possibilities for sustainability and novelty in the fashion industry.
2. Food Art - Combining food and art opens up a new market and offers a unique way to experience both industries.
3. Sensory Experience - Using food to create fashion accessories allows for a multisensory experience and opens up new possibilities in the realm of product design.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can explore opportunities to incorporate edible materials into their designs for a more sustainable and integrated approach to fashion.
2. Food - The food industry can explore the creation of food products specifically designed to be used for fashion, such as edible fabrics or tailored food items for fashion accessories.
3. Art - Artists and galleries can explore the intersection of food and art, showcasing designs that push the boundaries of both industries, attracting new audiences and clients.

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