Drinking Rocket Fuel

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U.S. Won't Limit Rocket Fuel in Drinking Water

In an explosive announcement, the U.S. EPA has decided to allow rocket fuel in the drinking water of all Americans. The U.S. economy has been sputtering and the Bush Administration concluded this is just the boost needed to put the economy in orbit.

Perchlorate is already in 395 sites in 35 states at levels high enough to effect health. Adding rocket fuel to other sites is under advisement. This is not to be confused with Johnny Rockets Hamburgers, a U.S. gourmet delight.
Trend Themes
1. Rocket-fueled Drinks - Opportunities to create new alcoholic or energy drinks with a rocket fuel twist.
2. Water Filtration Innovation - Innovative filtration systems that can remove perchlorate and other harmful chemicals from drinking water.
3. Alternative Liquid Fuels - Exploration of alternative liquid fuels as a replacement for rocket fuel to reduce health and environmental risks.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage - Beverage companies can capitalize on the rocket fuel craze by creating new products for the market.
2. Water Filtration - Water filtration companies can develop new and improved filters capable of effectively removing rocket fuel and other harmful chemicals from drinking water.
3. Alternative Fuel - Alternative fuel companies can seize opportunities to create safe and sustainable alternatives to rocket fuel for space exploration and other industries.

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