Cardboard Bridges

Japanese Architect's Eco-Friendly Bridge in France

This bridge, created by Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, uses eco-friendly, lightweight materials. It is built over the Gordon River in southern France. The bridge is made from 281 cardboard tubes, each 11.5 cm. across and 11.9 mm. thick. It is strong enough to carry 20 people at a time.

The designer noted, "It is a very interesting contrast, the Roman stone bridge and the paper bridge. Paper too can be permanent, can be strong and lasting. We need to get rid of these prejudices."
Trend Themes
1. Eco-friendly Structures - The use of lightweight, eco-friendly materials for construction can be an emerging trend across various industries.
2. Innovative Materials - Using unconventional and non-traditional materials for building structures can become increasingly popular due to their unique properties.
3. Sustainable Architecture - Sustainable architecture practices incorporating recyclable materials can start gaining traction in building projects.
Industry Implications
1. Construction - The construction industry can benefit from the development of eco-friendly and sustainable materials, furthering their commitment to a greener environment.
2. Architecture - Architects could explore using innovative materials in designing structures without compromising the overall integrity and strength of the project.
3. Environmental Conservation - The use of recyclable and eco-friendly materials in building projects can contribute to sustainable living, with minimal impact on nature and the environment.

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