eBooks Go Mainstream

10 Ways To Read An Electronic Book

Ever since the first 64K computers donned our living rooms, we’ve been hearing how paper would become an antiquated product - with electronics replacing it at every conceivable chance. This prediction has fallen short… until now. In the past year, there have been several ebook-readers to hit the market. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and price ranges. The important thing to ask here, however, is what will this do to the bookshelf industry?

OLPC’s XO Children’s Machine | Plastic Logic’s Reader | On your PDA or smartphone (Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Palm OS, Symbian, PocketPC, Franklin eBookMan) via Mobipocket software | iPhone via the Stanza application | Amazon’s Kindle 2.0 | Astak’s Mentor | Sony’s Reader Digital Book (PRS-505) | Foxit’s eSlick | Hanvon’s N510 eBook | Snippy (concept only)
Trend Themes
1. Ebook Adoption - The increasing use of e-books represents a significant opportunity for the tech industry to innovate new ways of reading and delivering books, transforming how readers purchase and consume books.
2. E-book Readership - With the rise of e-book readership, there is an opportunity for e-reader manufacturers and content providers to create new forms of interactive, engaging e-books that offer a more dynamic and immersive reading experience.
3. Digital Publishing - Digital publishing is set to become the future of the publishing industry, offering readers a more convenient and accessible way to read books, and presenting publishers with new ways to make their content accessible to a wider audience.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - The publishing industry can innovate by embracing digital publishing models, offering new forms of interactive e-books, and leveraging new distribution channels to reach a wider audience.
2. Technology - The tech industry can develop new e-reader technologies, as well as software and applications that offer a more engaging, immersive reading experience for e-book readers, transforming how readers purchase and consume books.
3. Retail - As e-book adoption grows, there is an opportunity for retailers to expand their e-book offerings, creating new opportunities for revenue generation, and to integrate e-books into their brick-and-mortar stores through interactive displays and other forms of in-store technology.

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