18 Child Families

Michelle & Jim Bob Duggar Welcome Girl #8 To The Duggar Family

The Duggar family just gave birth to their 18th child in an Arkansas hospital. Michelle Duggar, 42 and her husband, Jim Bob Duggar, have 10 sons and 8 daughters.

Anything over 5 children sounds ridiculous to me, but the Duggar family seems to enjoy sharing that much love.

"The ultimate Christmas gift from God. She’s just absolutely beautiful, like her mom and her sisters," said Jim Bob Duggar.

That’s already an entire grade’s worth of children living under one room. Can you imagine their grocery bill? Or what hand-me-downs look like by the time they get to child number 10? I can’t even picture what getting to school would look like—the Duggar family could have a bus of their own!

If I were Jim Bob Duggar, I would probably seize the opportunity and start a family business—you’d never have to worry about employing any other staff! Considering their eldest is only 20, they still have time to think about entrepreneurial ventures.

One thing is for sure, it would be a business fueled by love.

"We both would love to have more," Jim Bob added.
Trend Themes
1. Large Families - Opportunity for businesses to cater to the unique needs of large families, such as offering family-sized products and services.
2. Family Businesses - The Duggar family's experience highlights the potential for family businesses to thrive and be self-sufficient.
3. Entrepreneurial Ventures - The Duggar family's size and love for more children can inspire entrepreneurial ventures in industries that cater to families and children.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Opportunity for retailers to develop and market products specifically designed for large families.
2. Education - Opportunity for educational institutions or services to develop innovative solutions to accommodate large families' transportation and other needs.
3. Food and Beverage - Opportunity for food and beverage companies to create family-sized products and offers to cater to large families' needs.

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