Inebriated Navigation Apps

The Ekisupaato Railway App Now Features a One-Touch 'Drunk Mode'

In order to help those who have had too much to drink get home safely, software developer Val Laboratory recently added a 'Drunk Mode' to its Ekisupaato railway navigation app.

When one downloads the app, users have the chance to set their home station. From there, Drunk Mode can be activated with a single tap, which uses a smartphone's GPS system to identify the closest possible station, the time at which the train departs and the route home. This new app feature saves a user from having to do any typing, with the developers stating: "It’s for people who’re comfortably drunk, not for people who’re totally hammered."

To deter drinking and driving, easy-to-use apps like these are essential for providing safe, alternative means of transportation home.
Trend Themes
1. One-touch Navigation - The 'Drunk Mode' feature demonstrates the potential for one-touch navigation in mobile apps.
2. Gps-based Assistance - The integration of GPS technology in navigation apps opens up opportunities for providing personalized assistance.
3. Safety-focused Apps - There is a growing demand for apps that prioritize user safety, especially in contexts like drunk navigation.
Industry Implications
1. Transportation - The transportation industry can explore integrating one-touch navigation features in their apps to provide safer and more convenient travel experiences.
2. Mobile App Development - The growing need for GPS-based assistance creates opportunities for mobile app developers to create innovative navigation solutions.
3. Alcohol Awareness - The alcohol awareness industry can utilize safety-focused apps like 'Drunk Mode' to promote responsible drinking practices and discourage drunk driving.

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