Sobering Toy Cars

This Drive Sober Campagin Hides Smashed Toy Cars Inside Cereal Boxes

Canadian creative agency Rethink teamed up with anti-impaired driving advocacy group Arrive Alive for this creative 'Drive Sober' campaign aimed at Ontario university students.

Cereal boxes were handed out to students at different college campuses, each containing an unconventional hidden prize inside. Packaged inside were different miniature toy cars that had been made to look like they were involved in serious accidents. Alongside these tiny mangled and broken toy cars was a message mimicking a Hot Wheels logo on the packaging reading: "Just Because You Slept Doesn't Mean You're Sober."

The 'Drive Sober' campaign uses this clever breakfast theme to help remind students that it can take up to 12 hours after their last drink for alcohol to be completely removed from the blood stream.
Trend Themes
1. Creative Awareness Campaigns - Trend highlighting the potential of using creativity to raise awareness on serious issues among youths.
2. Shock Advertising - Trend highlighting the use of shock advertising tactics in campaigns aimed at highlighting social issues among youths.
3. Unconventional Promotion Campaigns - Trend highlighting the potential of using unconventional promotional tactics to raise awareness of social issues.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunities in advertising to create impactful and memorable campaigns for social causes.
2. Marketing - Opportunities in marketing to create campaigns that are both informative and emotive to raise awareness of social issues.
3. Advocacy Groups - Opportunities for advocacy groups to team up with creatives to develop innovative campaigns to inform and influence public opinion on social issues.

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