Infant Dream Photography

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Adele Enersen Explores What Her Baby Might Be Dreaming About

Adele Enersen, a mother and bored photographer on maternity leave, creates dream worlds around her sleeping baby and then captures them on film. This dream photography is inspired by Enerson's imagination of what her sleeping baby might be dreaming of at the time.

All of the images in Adele Enersen's dream photography are created from clothing and fabric; they include typical dream cliches as well as some abstract visions. Check out Milas' Daydreams above.
Trend Themes
1. Dream Photography - Creating dream-like images of people or objects to explore creativity and imagination.
2. Fabric Art - Using different types of fabric to create art pieces and installations.
3. Parent-inspired Art - Artistic creations inspired by the experiences and emotions of parenting.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Exploring ways to use creative techniques to create unique and memorable photographs.
2. Textiles - Innovating new sustainable fabrics and creating unique designs to create one-of-a-kind furniture, clothing, and home decor.
3. Parenting - Creating new products and services that cater to the needs and desires of modern parents seeking innovative ways to bond with their children.

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