Literary Heroine Manicures

Duri Cosmetic's ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' Nai

The undeniably cool and edgy style of Stieg Larsson’s literary heroine Lisbeth Salander is getting the manicure treatment, with the release of Duri Cosmetics’ ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ nail polish line, inspired by the crime novels and film adaptations.

With retailer H&M set to release a Lisbeth-inspired clothing line in December 2011, now is the perfect time to go "all in" and give yourself a perfectly punk makeover. The Brooklyn-based Duri Cosmetics company has debuted six lacquers, ranging from dark black and plum hues to sheer pinks and whites, all carrying names influenced by the characters of Larsson’s acclaimed novels.

At the extremely low price of $5 per lacquer, this is one DIY manicure that is a must-have for the season. Don’t miss the fabulous ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ nail polish collection!
Trend Themes
1. Literary-inspired Manicures - The trend of creating nail polish lines inspired by fictional characters and books.
2. Affordable Luxury Beauty - The trend of offering low-priced beauty products that still provide a high-quality experience.
3. Fashion Collaboration - The trend of fashion and beauty brands collaborating to offer cross-branded products.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty Industry - Opportunity to create more literary-inspired collections and expand product lines.
2. Fashion Industry - Opportunity to collaborate with beauty brands to offer cross-branded products.
3. Retail Industry - Opportunity to feature and market literary-inspired beauty products in stores.

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