Anticipated Sequel Promos

Download the StarCraft II Game to Avoid the Launch Rush

For those who are excited for the long-awaited StarCraft sequel, you can now download the StarCraft II game prior to its launch date.

The game is presently available to be downloaded at in hopes to decrease site traffic on the actual July 27th date of release. With the mass amount of StarCraft fans anticipating this launch, this was definitely a smart move to avoid any network traffic complications.

Implications - In the last few years, the entertainment industry has seen a marked change in the importance of animated and video game properties on the business. One of the best ways a company can capitalize on this movement is by featuring advertising or marketing that features an animated character from a video game or a company created one. This connects with young consumers and older consumers amused by the ironic nature of a brand associating its product with cartoons.
Trend Themes
1. Animated Character Marketing - Creating advertising or marketing that features animated characters from video games or company-created characters can appeal to both young and older consumers, connecting with their interests.
2. Pre-launch Downloads - Offering pre-launch downloads for highly anticipated products like games can help decrease network traffic complications and provide an opportunity for users to access the product before its official release.
3. Importance of Video Game Properties - The entertainment industry has seen a shift in the importance of video game properties, presenting opportunities for companies to leverage this trend through partnerships, merchandise, or marketing campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Companies can explore partnerships, merchandise, or marketing campaigns related to video game properties to tap into the growing importance of video game properties in the entertainment industry.
2. Advertising - The advertising industry can benefit from incorporating animated characters from video games or creating brand characters to appeal to consumers and improve brand recognition.
3. Technology - Offering pre-launch downloads for technologically advanced products like games can help reduce network traffic complications and enhance user experience.

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