Emotional Shockvertisements

The Coalition for Domestic Violence Takes a Stand

Y&R Chicago released its campaign to hopefully end domestic abuse against women. The featured commercial is extremely painful to watch; however, this powerfully educational and emotionally charged message publicizes domestic violence as a topic that needs to be constantly addressed.

The facial expressions of the woman are heartbreaking. In fully promoting the message, the ad presented blood, bruises and scrapes as they are usually the indications of untold abuse.

Implications - Evoking emotions or feelings of nostalgia through its products is one of the easiest and most efficient ways for a company to garner the attention of consumers. Consumers will be instantly drawn to products with which they share a personal connection. While some shcokvertising may seem risky, it has the ability to affect a massive number of consumers on a personal level.
Trend Themes
1. Emotional Advertisements - Companies may use shockvertising to create emotional connections with their consumers and stand out in a crowded market.
2. Social Activism Marketing - More companies may feel compelled to tackle social issues to generate brand awareness and consumer loyalty.
3. Empathy-driven Marketing - Marketing strategies may be centered around building empathy with consumers to improve their brand perception and loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Advertising agencies may incorporate more emotionally charged messages in ad campaigns to create a lasting impact and raise awareness.
2. Non-profit - Non-profit organizations may use similar emotional shockvertising to bring attention to important social issues and raise funds for their causes.
3. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies may use similar emotional marketing techniques to connect with consumers on a deeper level and improve brand perception.

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