Female-Empowering Doll Art

This Artist Recreated Male-Focused Paintings Using Barbie Dolls

French artist Catherine Théry created a collection of doll art that uses Barbies to recreate historically iconic paintings. By positioning Barbie dolls as iconic male characters, it encourages the audience to question the role of beauty, sexuality and feminism within society.

Catherine Théry recreated doll art and infused Barbie into scenes such as The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, Lunch on the Grass by Édouard Manet and The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci. By taking such historically rich paintings and creating a modernized version, it allows viewers to see the progress that has been accomplished for sexism and gender equality.

While there is still room for improvement, these sexism-fighting paintings create a realistic view on women today. It also provides an insightful view into the past of art history and the role of women.
Trend Themes
1. Doll Art Recreation - Opportunity to recreate iconic artworks using dolls to challenge societal norms.
2. Gender Equality in Art - Exploring the progress made for sexism through the reinterpretation of historically significant paintings.
3. Feminist Perspective in Doll Art - Using Barbie dolls to provoke discussions on beauty standards, sexuality, and feminism in society.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Incorporating dolls into traditional art forms to create thought-provoking and socially conscious artwork.
2. Gender Equality - Promoting discussions on gender equality through the lens of art and culture.
3. Contemporary Feminist Art - Exploring new ways of expressing feminist perspectives through innovative reinterpretations of classical art.

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