Online Documentary Review Clubs

The Influence Film Forum is Where Documentary Lovers Unite

The Influence Film Forum is like an online book club, but for the purposes of documentary review.

Documentaries are great for exposing new ideas or unearthing topics that the majority of people are unaware of, but they need to get people talking to further their reach and in some cases, inspire change.

With the Influence Film Forum, documentary lovers are invited to sign up, join a club and watch one of the documentaries curated by the site. Although the Influence Film Forum does not distribute documentaries, it does point you to places like Netflix, iTunes or Amazon where you can stream or buy. After this, the online clubs can gather back online and discuss, share their opinions and if it was a worthwhile documentary, help spread its message and encourage others to watch it as well.
Trend Themes
1. Online Documentary Review Clubs - Opportunity to create online platforms for documentary enthusiasts to review and discuss films, increasing engagement and spreading awareness.
2. Documentary Curation Services - Potential for services that curate and recommend documentaries to audiences based on their interests and preferences.
3. Digital Film Distribution - Opportunity to develop digital platforms that provide convenient access to streaming or purchasing documentaries for online review clubs.
Industry Implications
1. Film and Entertainment - Film production companies and streaming platforms can collaborate with online documentary review clubs to promote and distribute documentaries.
2. Online Communities - Platforms that facilitate online discussions and social interactions can support the growth of online documentary review clubs.
3. Market Research and Recommendation - Companies specializing in data analysis and recommendation algorithms can provide valuable insights and personalized recommendations to online documentary review clubs.

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