DNA Spiral Sculptures

Cancer Research UK's Installation Raises Money for Francis Crick Institute

There is a trail of DNA Spiral sculptures in the city of London and it will intrigue people endlessly. Firstly, the DNA Spirals are quite large and secondly they are each uniquely designed. Although each sculpture is made by the SomeOne design studio, they are brought to life by 21 artists including Ai WeiWei, Thierry Noir, Zaha Hadid, Orla Kiely, Jane Morgan and twins Chris and Xand van Tulleken.

Organized by Cancer Research UK, the DNA Spiral sculptures were created to raise money for the Francis Crick Institute, a world-leading centre of biomedical research and innovation due to open in 2016. As for mimicking the complex structure of DNA, designer Max Longstaff explains, "We translated these incredible natural designs into a series of rapid prototype 3D prints – ranging from the more literal to the lateral."
Trend Themes
1. Art for Charity - Charitable organizations are collaborating with artists to raise money and awareness for important causes, creating unique opportunities for artists to showcase their work and impact social issues.
2. 3D Printing in Art - The use of 3D printing technology in art allows for more intricate and complex designs to be created, pushing the limits of traditional art forms and presenting a new canvas for artists to explore.
3. Science-inspired Art - Artists are finding inspiration in science and creating sculptures and installations that represent complex scientific concepts in a visually engaging way, offering new ways for the public to appreciate and learn about science.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit - Non-profit organizations can collaborate with artists to create unique fundraising opportunities that generate both funds and awareness for important causes.
2. Art and Design - The art and design industry can explore the use of 3D printing technology to push the boundaries of traditional art forms and create new and innovative works of art.
3. Science and Technology - The science and technology industry can collaborate with artists to present complex scientific concepts in a visually engaging way, offering new opportunities for public engagement with science.

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