Terrifying Digital Billboards

Sky Austria Promotes 'The Walking Dead' with Shocking Zombies

It is a rare person that would keep his or her composure when presented with a terrifying digital billboard such as the one created by Sky Austria. Placed in a bus shelter somewhere in Vienna, the digital billboard makes it appear as those zombies are materializing out of nowhere. Promoting the premier of the latest season of 'The Walking Dead,' it brings the fantasy series to reality in a convincing way.

The digital billboard comes in perfect time for the Halloween season, as well. Primed for a few scares, passersby will enjoy the consequential shock of seeing a couple zombies feasting on a man or one trying to make her way into the shelter. The people exposed to the digital billboard were recorded on video, to further the entertainment of such a campaign online.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Digital Billboards - Creating immersive and interactive ads that incorporate augmented or virtual reality experiences to captivate audiences.
2. Emotional Marketing - Embracing marketing campaigns that evoke powerful emotions such as fear, excitement, or nostalgia to increase consumer engagement.
3. Experiential Advertising - Providing consumers with novel experiences and stimulating their senses through innovative advertising techniques.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Incorporating digital technology into traditional advertising mediums to create engaging and memorable campaigns.
2. Entertainment - Creating immersive and memorable promotional experiences for upcoming movies, shows or games using innovative advertising techniques.
3. Technology - Developing innovative digital solutions that allow businesses to leverage the latest technology trends in advertising, such as virtual or augmented reality.

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