Packed Population Maps

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Derek Watkins Shows Creates a Guide to Show Where the Most People Reside

Most of the time, maps are used to show dividing lines, boundaries and countries but these maps by Derek Watkins illustrate where the majority of the world's people live. Many are acquainted with national geographic regions and can point out countries; however, most people will be surprised to see how densely populated certain global regions are.

Watkins is a geography graduate student from the University of Oregon. He created what looks like ink blots but really, the dark spots show regions where people are packed like sardines. The white spots on the map are places that are literally uninhabited by people. It's not surprising to see China and India completely packed.

The maps breaks down to indicate areas with five, 100 or 500 people per square kilometer. Most people will be surprised to see that almost all of Australia is completely empty.
Trend Themes
1. Packed Population - Exploring densely populated global regions.
2. Geographical Distribution - Highlighting areas with high and low population densities.
3. Surprising Demographics - Revealing unexpected population patterns and uninhabited areas.
Industry Implications
1. Mapping - Potential for developing innovative population density mapping tools.
2. Urban Planning - Opportunity to optimize urban infrastructure based on population distribution.
3. Real Estate - Potential for identifying untapped markets in sparsely populated areas.

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