Autonomous Delivery Car Platforms

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This Service Turns Normal Cars Into Autonomous Delivery Vehicles

Autonomous and self-driving cars are not wholly new innovations, nor is the age-old practice of delivery cars driven by humans to particular destination, but Swedish technology company Semcon is bidding to do the seemingly unthinkable by combining the two worlds.

Semcon's audacious 'Born to Drive' project bids to use futuristic software to convert regular old cars into self-driving delivery cars. Currently in the prototype phase, the software works by improving the sensors and smart systems found in many modern cars but without additional hardware. Cars wouldn't simply conduct deliveries, but would also be able to detect when they need to be refueled.

Part of a collaboration between Semcon, the Swedish government and Swedish automaker Volvo, 'Born to Drive' is an ambitious but serious project that looks to make autonomous delivery cars a reality rather than the stuff of sci-fi imaginations.
Trend Themes
1. Autonomous Delivery Cars - The ‘Born to Drive’ project by Semcon could revolutionize the last-mile delivery market with autonomous delivery cars made from regular cars with improved software that will detect when the vehicles need refueling.
2. Self-driving Car Sensors - The 'Born to Drive' project's use of smart systems and sensors for self-driving capabilities without additional hardware in regular cars can create new opportunities for sensor and software manufacturers.
3. Refueling Detection Software - The ‘Born to Drive’ project's software that allows autonomous vehicles to detect when they need refueling could create opportunities for companies specializing in fuel delivery and transportation services.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive - Semcon's 'Born to Drive' project could disrupt the automotive industry with a transformation of the last-mile delivery market and the integration of autonomous technologies into existing vehicles, creating new business models and potential partnerships.
2. Logistics - The ‘Born to Drive’ project could impact the logistics industry by providing new opportunities for autonomous delivery vans and cars that could ultimately increase delivery speed, efficiency, and lower system costs with the integration of sensor, smart systems, and software.
3. Fuel Delivery - The development of autonomous vehicles increased refueling detection capabilities could revolutionize the fuel delivery industry by automating fuel needs detection and adjusting logistics to optimize delivery efficiency and costs.

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