Recreated Deli Meat Artwork

These Photos Feature Famous Art Made Entirely of Deli Meat

German photographer Karsten Wegener interestingly decided to use deli meat as his artistic medium to create his latest sculptures featured in the Sausage in Art photo series. The concept behind the series was to recreate famous art pieces strangely out of deli meat, sausages, pickles and even eggs.

The Sausage in Art series features a collection of images made only from bizarre mashups of deli meat. While the combination of deli meat and art seems rather unusual, photographer Karsten Wegener makes it work with his carefully crafted deli sculptures that resemble everyday objects. Some of the photos featured include an image of a traditional balloon animal dog made entirely from various sized sausages and a flower vase made of wieners and rolled up salami as petals. Karsten Wegener really stretches the boundaries of art with this photo series.
Trend Themes
1. Deli Meat Art - Photographers and artists are exploring the use of deli meat as a unique artistic medium.
2. Food Sculptures - Creating sculptures out of deli meat and other food items is gaining popularity in the art world.
3. Unconventional Art Materials - Artists are pushing boundaries by using unconventional materials like deli meat to create unique and thought-provoking artworks.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage Industry - These deli meat sculptures present an opportunity for food businesses to collaborate with artists and create innovative marketing campaigns.
2. Art & Photography Industry - Artists and photographers can explore deli meat as a new medium for creative expression, attracting attention and sparking conversations.
3. Event Planning Industry - Event planners can incorporate deli meat sculptures into themed events and exhibitions, offering guests a unique and visually captivating experience.

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