Borough-Celebrating Street Couture

Defend Brooklyn Encourages Strength and Pride in its Wearers

It's hard not to back a brand that is as passionate about where it comes from as Defend Brooklyn is. Although originally founded in the mid-90s, Defend Brooklyn has recently been re-introduced into the market as another much-needed street couture option. Sleekly urban, the designs will speak to those who appreciate walking out of the house and feeling like they can take on the world.

Embodying the original ethos around Defend Brooklyn, the latest collection has an attitude that no one will want to mess with. As written on its website, "What they didn't understand is that Defend Brooklyn is about a mentality, not a place. It's a symbol of authenticity, style and success without a compromise. Jay-Z didn't forget Marcy Projects, Barbara Striesand not didn't get a nose job, Biggie Smalls didn't lose weight to become a pop star and Seinfeld made a show about nothing. All born in Brooklyn."
Trend Themes
1. Localized Inspiration - Brands are discovering that incorporating local pride and beliefs into their designs and ethos is a way to build a loyal following.
2. Redefining Streetwear - Streetwear is moving away from oversized logos and flashy branding towards sleek, urban designs with a message of strength and authenticity.
3. Fashion as a Form of Expression - Consumers are gravitating towards fashion that allows them to express their individualism and unique identity, rather than adhering to traditional style norms.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion brands can create stronger connections with their consumers by focusing on design and ethos that incorporate localized inspiration and strong messages of individualism.
2. Streetwear - Streetwear brands that embrace a more authentic, attitude-driven style can appeal to consumers looking to express their personalities through fashion.
3. Apparel Retail - Retailers that carry fashion brands with strong messages of localized inspiration and individualism can stand out in a crowded market and build a loyal customer base.

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