Spreadsheet Art

The Book of Danielle Aubert Microsoft Excel Artwork is Filled with Pixelated Fun

Although the Paint program is easy to draw with, I can't seem to make anything look fairly decent, so seeing the Danielle Aubert Microsoft Excel Artwork is quite impressive.

Although Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program, Danielle Aubert uses it as a drawing tool. On an almost-daily basis for 16 months, this digital artist created a book full of worksheet drawings. Using cells, color fills and border styles, these Danielle Aubert Microsoft Excel art pieces were created in pixelated fun.
Trend Themes
1. Pixel Art - The trend of creating art with pixels or small digital blocks, offers an innovative and unique way of expression that can be utilized in various industries from gaming to branding.
2. Alternative Softwares - The trend of using unconventional softwares for creative works that are not designed for the same as resulted in the emergence of an innovative practice that other companies can take advantage of.
3. Data Visualization - The trend of mixing art and data visualization where data is translated into visual form creates opportunities for innovation and experimentation in industries such as advertising, business, and education.
Industry Implications
1. Visual Art - The use of unconventional tools for creating digital art can disrupt traditional art industries by providing an alternative and cost-effective option that can appeal to a younger and tech-savvy audience.
2. Marketing - Brands can adopt unconventional ways of showcasing their products or services by using softwares like Excel as their canvas for unique and eye-catching ads.
3. Data Analytics - The practice of visualizing data can be approached creatively such as using Excel to create artwork can also benefit businesses in terms of extracting insights that are easily understandable and visually appealing to the team and clients.

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