Homemade Kernel Milks

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This Dairy-Free Milk is Made with Coconut and Cashews

Finding a dairy-free milk can be complicated, especially if you're looking to stay away from processed ingredients and chemicals. Consumers are overcoming this by making nut milk at home from scratch using fresh ingredients and all-natural products. This coconut cashew milk recipe in particular takes inspiration from California's popular cafe, Backyard Bowls.

To make this delicious dairy-free milk at home, begin by collecting all the fresh ingredients needed including coconut water, raw cashews, salt, vanilla, local honey and water. All ingredients can be purchased as organic products if desired. Then, combine all the ingredients into a high speed blender until silky smooth. The drink can be served as is or sifted through a mesh strainer or cheese cloth if desired. This recipe is ideal for those that are lactose intolerant and are still looking to enjoy imitation dairy products.
Trend Themes
1. Homemade Nut Milks - Creating nut milk at home using fresh ingredients and natural products provides a dairy-free alternative for health-conscious consumers.
2. DIY Dairy-free Drinks - Consumers are opting to make their own dairy-free beverages at home, allowing for customization and control over ingredients.
3. All-natural Nut Milk Recipes - The trend of using organic and locally sourced ingredients to make homemade nut milk reflects consumers' desire for cleaner, healthier options.
Industry Implications
1. Plant-based Food Industry - Providing innovative plant-based milk alternatives to meet the growing demand for dairy-free products.
2. Kitchen Appliance Industry - Creating high-speed blenders and specialized equipment for efficiently making homemade nut milks.
3. Organic Food Industry - Meeting the increased demand for organic and locally sourced ingredients for homemade dairy-free milk recipes.

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