Candy Corn Popsicles

So Delicious' Dairy-Free Dessert Turns a Summer Treat Spooky

While frozen popsicles are typically consumed during the summer months, these new dairy-free dessert bars from So Delicious will have people hunting through the frozen food sections at the grocery store on even the coldest day.

The creamy Candy Corn Frozen Dessert Bars are made with a base of coconut milk, rather than dairy, which makes them suitable as a vegan treat. The tri-colored dessert features an orange base layer that tastes like a creamsicle, plus a vanilla-coconut layer that's coated in a small chocolate cap. Because So Delicious is known as a go-to source for delicious dairy-free desserts, these frozen bars will be a pleasing addition to its assortment of ice cream products made with dairy alternatives.

In keeping with the festive theme, the brand is also launching a peppermint star-shaped frozen bar for the Christmas season as well.
Trend Themes
1. Dessert Innovation - So Delicious' Candy Corn Frozen Dessert Bars showcase the potential for creative dessert innovation using dairy alternatives.
2. Vegan Treats - The popularity of So Delicious' Candy Corn Frozen Dessert Bars highlights the growing demand for vegan treats in the food industry.
3. Seasonal Desserts - So Delicious' launch of a peppermint frozen bar for the Christmas season demonstrates the potential for seasonal dessert offerings in the frozen food market.
Industry Implications
1. Frozen Food - So Delicious' new Candy Corn and Peppermint Frozen Dessert Bars show there are opportunities for dairy alternatives in the frozen food industry.
2. Vegan Food - The success of So Delicious' dairy-free Candy Corn Frozen Dessert Bars shows there are opportunities for vegan food alternatives in the dessert industry.
3. Holiday Food - So Delicious' seasonal Candy Corn and Peppermint Frozen Dessert Bars demonstrate the potential for holiday-themed food products in the frozen dessert industry.

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