Modular Separating Jackets

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This Customizable Jacket Can Alter Itself to Fit All Needs

Rather than buying a jacket for every single occasion, how about having one customizable jacket for all cases? Japan-based company Mountain Research has developed the Phishing Hoodie, a hoodie that can be used in any case.

If you've never seen a piece of clothing that can be separated into 14 pieces, you're probably not alone. This jacket is exactly that and with a variety of pocket and styles, the user can fix their jacket to look and work exactly how they want.

The jacket can fit any body type or gender because you can extend it or make it smaller simply by zipping it up or zipping it off. If you're looking for a versatile piece of clothing, this is the one for you.
Trend Themes
1. Modular Clothing - The trend of customizable and adaptable clothing items opens up opportunities for innovative designs that can be adjusted to meet various needs or situations.
2. Multi-functional Products - The trend of creating products that can be used for multiple purposes helps consumers save space and money, while also offering innovative options for businesses to explore.
3. Sustainable Apparel - The trend of environmentally friendly clothing items can present businesses with opportunities to create eco-friendly products that meet the growing demand for sustainable options in the market.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can explore modular clothing options to offer consumers products that can be adjusted to fit different body types and styles, while also ensuring sustainability and multi-functionality.
2. Outdoor Gear - The outdoor gear industry can take advantage of the customizable features of modular clothing to provide customers with versatile and durable clothing items that can handle a variety of outdoor conditions.
3. Military Equipment - The military equipment industry can leverage the customizability and durability of modular clothing to create products that can adapt to various situations and environments, while also ensuring the safety and comfort of their personnel.

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