Blockchain Postage Stamps

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Emirates Post Group's Crypto Stamps Can Be Authenticated by NFC Chips

Emirates Post Group created a set of four crypto stamps that exist in both physical and blockchain-enabled digital forms that can be authenticated. Those who purchase a crypto stamp will find that they can scan the embedded NFC chip in the physical card using a mobile device, in order to authenticate the item.

This set of crypto stamps has been issued to mark the United Arab Emirates’ 50th National Day and Emirates Post Group describes the digital twins as follows: "NFT stamps, commonly known as crypto stamps, have digital counterparts stored in the blockchain, and can be collected, traded, or used for online exchange like other digital tokens." Notably, Buyers will only get to see the digital design that is linked to the physical stamp after scanning the QR code printed on the front side of the card.
Trend Themes
1. Blockchain-enabled Stamps - Opportunity for other industries to integrate blockchain technology into physical products, allowing for increased authentication and security measures.
2. Nfc-enabled Physical Items - Potential for industries to incorporate NFC chips into physical products to allow for easy authentication and tracking.
3. Digital Twins of Physical Items - Potential for industries to create digital twins of physical items to enable online exchange, trading, and collecting like other digital tokens.
Industry Implications
1. Postal Services - Opportunity for postal services to incorporate blockchain technology and NFC chips into traditional postage stamps to increase authentication and security measures.
2. Collector's Items - Potential for collector's items, such as art and rare goods, to incorporate digital twins stored in the blockchain for increased value and authentication measures.
3. Retail - Potential for online retailers to use digital twins of physical items on the blockchain for secure online trading and exchange.

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