Animal Snackaging

The ‘Crips' Oven-Baked Wheat Chips

'Crips' oven-baked wheat chips have an interesting and cute idea on their packaged wholesome snacks. Whereas most typical chip bags have Humpty Dumpty or shots of their greasy products, Crips have adorable pictures of rodents and pets in an antiqued art style.

As rodents and pets are infamous for being healthy snackers and being way too cute for their own good, how can anyone pass up a chance to snack on these Crips?

Implications - In order to differentiate themselves from other brands, companies can use a creative or unconventional designs to reach new or unlikely clients. The growing popularity of human-animal animations in the blogosphere and online environments can be used to attract younger consumers. The extra effort put in to appeal to a specific market of buyers will ultimately result in higher profits for the business.
Trend Themes
1. Wholesome Snack Packaging - Companies can attract younger consumers with creative and unconventional designs using human-animal animations to differentiate themselves from competitors.
2. Antiqued Art Style Packaging - Companies can use an antiqued art style for packaging to reach new or unlikely customers and ultimately result in higher profits.
3. Animal-inspired Snack Packaging - Companies can appeal to specific markets of buyers by incorporating animal-inspired designs on their snack packaging resulting in increased sales.
Industry Implications
1. Snack Food Industry - Companies in the snack food industry can use creative and unconventional designs to differentiate themselves from their competitors and appeal to a broader customer base.
2. Graphic Design Industry - Companies in the graphic design industry can specialize in creating unique and creative packaging designs for the snack food industry to increase sales and profits.
3. Pet Industry - Companies in the pet industry can collaborate with snack food companies to create animal-inspired designs for their packaging to reach consumers who are pet owners or animal lovers.

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