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Money Monitoring Infographics

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This CreditLoan Inforgraph Breaks Down Your Spending

This infograph by CreditLoan details how the average American spends their money! If you're wondering where all your dollars go take a look at this detailed break down and see where you fit in.

On average, Americans purchase $2,600 worth worth of goods and services every single month. These individuals also carry a personal debt of more than $8,000! To try and break down where your money is going can be disheartening, but don't feel discouraged because you are not alone.

This illustrated infograph by CreditLoan is based on government statistics and the numbers may shock you, depending on your own personal financial situation.

A few examples I found rather interesting; $26,600 which is the amount of money owed to student loans, $450.16 the price people are paying for rent or mortgage payments, and $95.43 how much we spend on clothing and footwear.

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