Educational Culinary Board Games

The Creative Kitchen Game is Based on Mystery Box Cooking Comps

The Creative Kitchen game is an educational culinary board game based on the mystery ingredient box cooking competitions made famous by television shows such as Chopped and MasterChef. Having successfully raised funding on Kickstarter in 2012, the Creative Kitchen game is now available for purchase.

The Creative Kitchen game has participants battle it out in order to imagine the most delicious and intriguing dish using the ingredients on the cards dealt and of course, the mystery ingredient. The board game design includes 125 ingredient cards (with expansion decks in development), a kitchen timing device, pad of blank recipe cards and the game board.

The innovative Kickstarter-funded board game is sure to inspire a new generation of MasterChef and MasterChef Junior contestants.
Trend Themes
1. Educational Culinary Board Games - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop more culinary-themed educational board games to engage and educate aspiring chefs.
2. Mystery Box Cooking Competitions - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create interactive platforms or apps that simulate mystery box cooking competitions to allow users to compete virtually.
3. Crowdfunding for Board Games - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build more crowdfunding platforms or initiatives specifically for board games, as proven successful by the Creative Kitchen game.
Industry Implications
1. Board Game Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate educational and culinary themes into traditional board games to tap into new markets and attract diverse audiences.
2. Cooking Competition Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative cooking competition formats that involve mystery ingredients to create a unique and engaging experience for contestants and viewers.
3. Crowdfunding Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Establish specialized crowdfunding platforms or initiatives for niche industries, such as board games, to help aspiring creators bring their ideas to life.

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