Vivid Symbolic Branding

Mild Whistle’s Crafty Branding Identity is Warm and Attractive

There is something so visually appealing about this new crafty branding identity for Mild Whistle. With a bold color palette that focuses on just three hues: a warm white, a turquoise blue and an understated bronze, the design whizzes at Oddds get it just right.

Able to intertwine both a contemporary look and a slightly historical symbolic look at the same time, this crafty branding identity is bound to get Mild Whistle a whole lot of attention. The design team also made the perfect choices when it came to the casual bold typeface, the simple random illustrations used to give a little flair, the shapes used and the touch of glam with the use of bronze.   

"Mild Whistle identity stems from a paradox effect surrounded by a combination of funk layering beyond formality. Like a gentle thunder – where two opposites or complexities brings about the designer’s works as it; being louder than what the designer intends," says the team from Oddds.
Trend Themes
1. Contemporary Symbolic Design - Opportunity for other brands to incorporate bold yet simple design elements with a touch of historical symbolism to make their branding stand out.
2. Minimalistic Color Palette - Opportunity for brands to experiment with a limited number of colors, but still create a visually appealing and distinctive brand identity.
3. Casual Yet Bold Typeface - Opportunity for brands to use a typeface that balances a casual and friendly vibe with a powerful and impactful presence.
Industry Implications
1. Graphic Design - Graphic design firms and agencies can utilize the Mild Whistle branding as inspiration when creating brand identities for their clients.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising professionals can incorporate the concept of clever and eye-catching branding into their campaigns and strategies.
3. Packaging Design - Packaging designers can take cues from the minimalistic color palette and bold typography used in the Mild Whistle branding to create packaging that stands out on store shelves.

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