Mobile Couples Therapy Apps

The We Did It App Hopes to Bring Couples Closer

Frequent check-ins with your significant other is an important part of maintaining a healthy relationship and a new couples therapy app called 'We Did It' is helping couple's practice open and honest communication, even when on-the-go.

The app helps couples by first finding their 'relationship potential.' To discover this, couples must take a quick test which determines the strengths and development points of a relationship. In addition to encouraging open discussion, the app prompts couples to plan for a happy and healthy future by asking each pair to describe their 'dream week' with their partner. Following a session that practices compromise and empathy, the app will send daily task reminders to help each person achieve their relationship goal.

The app monitors touch, quality time, communication and more and aims to "repair relationship ties in an entirely new way."
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Couples Therapy - Mobile couples therapy apps are disrupting traditional therapy by providing couples with accessible resources for maintenance and improvement.
2. Relationship Potential Testing - Relationship potential testing is providing couples with personalized insights and recommendations for strengthening their relationships.
3. Relationship Goal Tracking - Tracking relationship goals with mobile apps is creating pathways for couples to achieve happy and healthy relationships.
Industry Implications
1. Mental Health - The mental health industry has an opportunity to expand their offerings by incorporating mobile couples therapy apps to support relationship maintenance and improvement.
2. Technology - The technology industry has an opportunity to develop and improve mobile couples therapy apps that provide personalized insights and tracking capabilities for couples.
3. Relationship Services - The relationship services industry has an opportunity to incorporate mobile couples therapy apps into their offerings to provide more accessible and convenient resources for couples seeking maintenance and improvement.

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