Flaming Cotton Candy Desserts

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Philippe Chow's Cotton Candy Baked Alaska is Set on Fire Table-Side

Baked Alaska is already an impressive dessert, but Philippe Chow is taking it up a notch with its Cotton Candy Baked Alaska. Not only is this dessert breathtaking to look at, but it also tastes pretty unbelievable as well.

Philippe Chow's Cotton Candy Baked Alaska is a viral dessert sensation that puts a dramatic twist on an iconic treat. Traditionally, Baked Alaska is made from ice cream and cake that's been placed in an extremely hot oven long enough to firm and caramelize the meringue on top.

At Philippe Chow in New York Cty, pastry chef Terri Dreisbech's version of the dish starts with yogurt, whipped cream, roasted strawberries, orange zest, salt, and chocolate syrup. As the base freezes, Dreisbech creates a two-foot tall pile of cotton candy, which is placed on the brownie-topped ice cream base. For the finale, the whole thing is set on fire right at your table using a blowtorch and some dark rum.
Trend Themes
1. Flaming Desserts - Incorporate show-stopping flames into dessert presentations for a viral-worthy experience.
2. Reinvented Classics - Revamp traditional desserts by using non-traditional ingredients and techniques.
3. Table-side Spectacles - Enhance customer experience by creating dramatic table-side displays and interactions.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Restaurants and hotels have an opportunity to create unforgettable dining experiences with dramatic desserts.
2. Event Planning - Dessert presentations can become the centerpiece of events with show-stopping elements like flaming desserts.
3. Food Manufacturing - Manufacturers can explore non-traditional techniques and ingredients to create new and innovative dessert products.

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