Malicious Mummy Pranks

This Corpse Elevator Prank From Brazil Leaves People Screaming For Help

This corpse elevator prank takes practical jokes to an entirely new level. Released by the YouTube channel Dog Production, this is the second in a series of elevator pranks that is absolutely, over the top terrifying. In the video before this, they cut the lights inside an elevator and had a young, scraggly looking girl appear out of a trap door. When the lights turned on, the people in the elevator were consistently terrified by what looked like a possessed child.

In this corpse elevator prank, they use the same elevator and put a casket in with an unsuspecting elevator rider. The elevator doors close before the men can get back into the elevator so the rider is stuck in there with the casket alone. Soon enough, the elevator stalls and shuts down. The casket opens and the body inside falls out before reaching for the elevator rider.
Trend Themes
1. Prankvertising - Digital marketing campaigns that incorporate pranks and social experiments to create shareable content.
2. Interactive Horror Experiences - Virtual or in-person experiences that use technology and theatrics to create terrifying situations.
3. Dark Comedy - Comedic content that pokes fun at dark or taboo subjects.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Film, television, and online content creators that focus on horror, comedy, and interactive experiences.
2. Marketing - Advertising agencies and social media companies that create innovative campaigns to promote products and services.
3. Hospitality - Hotels, theme parks, and other tourism businesses that could incorporate interactive horror experiences into their offerings.

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