Customized Profile Picture Upgrades

The #PimpMyProfile Coors Campaign Upgraded User Photos

The dynamic #PimpMyProfile Coors Light campaign provided consumers engaging with the brand on Twitter the chance to have their profile pictures taken to the next level. Individuals were asked to Tweet the account with an image of their choosing and three facts about them and in turn the creative team working on behalf of the brand created customized profile photos infused with over-the-top graphics that celebrated their interests.

Conceived as a means to amp up brand loyalty in 20-something ladies and gents, the personalized action-packed images were positioned as sure-fire Tinder fodder that would increase the individuals chances of getting swiped right.

The small digital sentiment goes a long way in establishing a positive relationship between brand and consumer. In turn, the campaign assures discerning millennials concerned with being viewed as merely a "number" by the brands they patronize.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Social Media Campaigns - Businesses can increase brand loyalty by creating personalized social media campaigns that allow consumers to engage with the brand on a more personal level.
2. Customized Marketing Materials - Creating customized marketing materials, such as profile pictures, can set a brand apart and establish a positive relationship with consumers.
3. Interactive Brand Engagement - Interactive brand engagement, like the #PimpMyProfile Coors campaign, can create buzz and increase brand loyalty among young consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Marketing - Social media marketing companies can leverage the trend of personalized campaigns to create innovative social media campaigns that engage consumers in new and exciting ways.
2. Graphic Design - Graphic design firms can offer customized marketing materials, like profile pictures, to companies looking to establish a unique brand identity.
3. Alcohol and Beverage Industry - The alcohol and beverage industry can use interactive brand engagement strategies, such as the #PimpMyProfile Coors campaign, to appeal to young consumers and increase brand loyalty.

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