Religious Rite Burgers

The Communion Wafer Burger Lets You Worship and Eat at the Same Time

A Chicago burger joint known as Kuma's Corner has caused quite a stir with its communion wafer burger. The burger features a communion wafer and a red wine reduction sauce. The restaurant says that the burger was created to honor the Swedish metal band Ghost. Ghost is known for dressing up in religious outfits, thereby warranting the wafers and wine.

Wafers and red wine are more commonly associated with the Catholic practice of communion in which churchgoers eat a wafer and drink a small amount of red wine. Whether this association is merely coincidental is debatable. What isn't debatable is the fact that the communion wafer burger may well be the very first religious burger ever created. The burger itself sells for $17 and you can get as many wafers as you want or none at all.
Trend Themes
1. Religious-themed Food - Opportunity for creating unique dishes that incorporate religious symbols or practices.
2. Cultural-inspired Burgers - Chance to develop burgers that pay homage to specific cultures or musical artists.
3. Controversial Food Creations - Potential to attract attention and generate discussions through provocative culinary combinations.
Industry Implications
1. Restaurant - Restaurants can explore new menu items that cater to customers looking for unique and unconventional dining experiences.
2. Food and Beverage - Opportunity to market and sell religious-inspired food and drinks to a niche consumer base.
3. Marketing and Publicity - Potential for creating buzz and generating media coverage by pushing the boundaries of traditional food offerings.

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