Nose-Shaped Soap Bars

The Piero Golia 'Comedy of Craft' Soap Bars are Shaped like Comedic Noses

Piero Golia's 'Comedy of Craft' soap bars are silly products that, while unique from one another in terms of scent, all share a common connection in terms of their nasal profile. If that sounds counterintuitive, it's only because of the shape of the Comedy of Craft soaps. The bars are shaped like exact replicas of a nose.

Far from just any generic nose, the Comedy of Craft bars have a famous olfactory inspiration. The nose shape is borrowed from a precise replica of the nose on the George Washington head at the famous Mount Rushmore statue in South Dakota.

Piero Golia was able to replicate George Washington's nose in soap with the help of several artists. First, the Hammer Museum in LA enlisted a team of sculptors to carve the nose's shape into a foam replica, and then another team of art students in New Orleans created a smaller mold that Golia could use for his soap bars.
Trend Themes
1. Replica Soap Bars - Opportunity to create replica soap bars of famous structures or landmarks while keeping their authentic scent profiles.
2. Humorous Soap Bars - Opportunity to offer soap bars with humorous shapes that will make users smile and add a unique touch to their grooming routine.
3. Collaborative Soap Bars - Opportunity to collaborate with artists and designers to create one-of-a-kind soap bars that showcase their talents and creative vision.
Industry Implications
1. Personal Care Industry - Developing unique personal care products such as soap bars can attract niche markets and increase brand recognition.
2. Tourism Industry - Offering replica soap bars of iconic landmarks and tourist attractions can serve as a unique souvenir for tourists to take home.
3. Art and Design Industry - Creating soap bars with unique shapes and designs can serve as a canvas for artistic expression and showcase the talents of artists and designers.

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