Floating Water Skyscrapers

The Conceptual 'Seascraper' Building Solution to Combat Homelessness

In an attempt to combat homelessness from rising in Nigeria creatives GuoChao Deng, XiaoLong Liu and several others have put together a conceptual building entitled 'Seascraper' that offers a floating water residential building. The skyscraper is fixed in water and offers a substitutional place to house homes due to a lack of land space.

The 'Seascraper' is designed specifically to aid the Gamma Cocoa community and the rise of global warming that is effecting the amount of land available to provide residential space. The buildings are shaped as curved triangular pods that are large-scale and designed to sit on top of the water. The pods will be close in proximity to provide a community environment as well as high quality living with balconies, large living layouts and entertainment areas.
Trend Themes
1. Floating Buildings - The trend of designing buildings that float on water presents an opportunity for architects to create more living space and tackle homelessness in areas with limited land space
2. Sustainability Architecture - The emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly designs in architecture can inspire the creation of innovative buildings that combat climate change and provide quality living spaces
3. Community-centered Design - The trend of designing buildings with a focus on creating a sense of community can result in more inclusive and socially responsible housing solutions
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - Real estate developers can capitalize on floating buildings, sustainability and community-centered design trends by investing in innovative building projects that cater to changing market and social needs
2. Architecture - Architects can leverage their expertise on sustainability and community-centered design to develop high-quality, socially responsible buildings that promote well-being and address homelessness and climate change
3. Engineering - Innovative engineering solutions can aid the design, construction and maintenance of floating buildings and other sustainable and community-centered buildings, creating opportunities for engineers and technicians

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