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Popping Monochromatic Portraits

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The Colours Editorial by Joanna Kustra is Vibrant and Glamorous

Photographer Joanna Kustra’s Colours editorial for Vatra Magazine is vibrant and funky. Each photo focuses on a different colour and uses models draped in bright jewellery and neon make up to help tie everything together. From popping yellows and blues, to elegant, eye-catching browns and greens, this editorial includes pretty much all the colours of the rainbow.
Many of these pictures incorporate extraordinary headpieces, like crowns, eccentric hats and large bows. The details and colours in these pictures help to create a different mood for each shot. Most of the lighter, brighter coloured photos have a sweet and sassy vibe, while the darker photos have a sort of sleekness to them—and an air of elegance.
These lively glamour shots are stunning, vibrant, and impossible to ignore!

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