Color in Motion

Interactive Experience of Color Symbolism

Color in Motion is "an animated and interactive experience of color communication and color symbolism." Specifically, the site shows the meaning of the colors through an interactive animation produced in Flash. True entertainment for who likes Art Direction.

Implications - Color symbolism is a fascinating concept that definitely has potential for business use. This technology could be taken into consideration while developing branding, specifically within logo and package design. Art directors in the advertising industry would surely benefit from the use of color symbolism, ensuring that ads garner the reactions one would hope for by using colors to stimulate feelings of warmth and positivity. When matched up with an amazing concept, color symbolism will make for a truly effective campaign.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Color Communication - Using interactive technology to convey meaning and symbolism through color, creating engaging and impactful experiences.
2. Color Symbolism in Branding - Incorporating color symbolism in logo and package design to evoke desired emotions and perceptions of a brand.
3. Color Symbolism in Advertising - Leveraging color symbolism in advertising campaigns to evoke specific reactions and stimulate positive emotions in the audience.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Advertising - Applying interactive color communication to create captivating and persuasive digital advertising campaigns.
2. Graphic Design - Utilizing color symbolism in logo and package design to establish strong brand identities and resonate with target audiences.
3. Art Direction - Incorporating color symbolism concepts into artworks to convey deeper meanings and provoke emotional responses.

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