Mobile Mattress Sanitizers

'Clean Sleep' Trucks Wash Mattresses, Plus Remove Stains and Odors

'Clean Sleep' is a company that provides a convenient mattress-cleaning solution to homeowners who might otherwise toss a perfectly good mattress to the curb.

Mattresses are known to pick up dust mites, dander, dead skin cells and stains over time, even with the most regimented cleaning routines. When vacuuming, spot cleaning and deodorizing fails, there are few other ways to deal with a cumbersome mattress. However, Clean Sleep offers a professional way to clean mattresses that's extremely convenient to mattress owners.

Clean Sleep converts trucks into mobile mattress sanitization systems. To clean a mattress, a team can simply pull up to the curb beside a house, carry out the dirty mattress and place it inside the truck's machinery. From there, the mattress undergoes a five-step process that involves exposure to UV light, dry steaming, vacuuming, infrared heat and an ozone generator treatment.

An appointment costs about $120, which is a fraction of the cost one would pay for a brand new mattress.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Mattress Sanitization - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop mobile mattress sanitization services using advanced techniques like UV light, dry steaming, and infrared heat.
2. Convenient Home Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create mobile service businesses that offer convenient solutions for cleaning and maintaining household items.
3. Sustainable Mattress Solutions - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop eco-friendly ways to clean and extend the lifespan of mattresses, reducing waste in the bedding industry.
Industry Implications
1. Home Cleaning Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Establish businesses that specialize in professional and convenient cleaning services for homes.
2. Hospitality Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Integrate mobile mattress sanitization services into the hospitality industry to enhance guest experiences and cleanliness standards.
3. Eco-friendly Cleaning Products - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create eco-friendly cleaning products specifically designed for mattress sanitization, targeting health-conscious consumers.

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