Holistic Hybrid Architecture

The Church of Sant Francesc Convent Fuses the Traditional and Modern

The Church of Sant Francesc Convent by David Closes embraces modern design without letting go of its history. Embracing the 18th century church's state of deterioration, this renovation project restores the structure giving it new life.

Architect David Closes and his team infused the aging building with modern architectural elements including a main focal point gracing its facade. Constructed from steel and glass, this space-age element is perfectly juxtaposed against the church's original stone structure.

Adding an auditorium space and cultural center, this stunning structure marries the old with the new combining traditional and modern materials in a complimentary way. The Church of Sant Francesc Convent allows its visitors to relive the cathedral's past history while embracing its future.
Trend Themes
1. Hybrid Architecture - The marriage of traditional and modern materials offer an opportunity to bring classic buildings into the 21st century.
2. Auditorium Revamps - Introducing auditorium spaces in renovated historical buildings presents a chance to engage with modern audiences.
3. Cultural Center Makeovers - Converting historic buildings into cultural centers provides new ways to celebrate regional history and promote education.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architects can capitalize on updating historic buildings with modern elements while keeping the authenticity of the original structure.
2. Cultural Institutions/historical Sites - Cultural institutions and historical sites have an opportunity to transform their spaces and engage with modern audiences.
3. Education/performing Arts/conference Spaces - Education, performing arts and conference centers could benefit from the unique spaces created by the renovation and modernization of historic structures.

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