Sultry Street Photography

These Christopher Bush Photographs are Raw, Emotional and Seductive

Offering up little information about himself besides "I live in New York and shoot film," Christopher Bush is definitely a creative individual to say the least. His photography speaks for itself in its striking beauty and seductive nature. Each of his subjects brilliantly evokes a variety of raw emotions through facial expression, suggestive body movements and settings that are perfectly fitting with each of the emotions being portrayed.

His portfolio includes similarly styled shots in the streets of both Paris and New York, cities full of inspiration in the alluring streets. The perspective his photographs offer on these popular tourist cities is so fresh, real and unseen. The most hypnotizing part of these photographs is that each one of them tells a different and powerful story, and together they make up an illustrious and unified picture.
Trend Themes
1. Sultry Street Photography - A trend towards raw and emotive street photography that captures seductive and powerful emotions.
2. Film Photography - A resurgence of interest in film photography as a medium for capturing emotive street photography.
3. Authenticity in Art - An increasing demand for art that conveys raw and authentic emotions as opposed to overly staged or edited photography.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Art Photography - Disruptive innovation opportunities in fine art photography through new mediums and techniques that capture raw and emotive street photography.
2. Tourism and Travel - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the tourism and travel industry by offering unique perspectives and experiences through street photography.
3. Fashion and Beauty - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the fashion and beauty industry by incorporating raw and emotive street photography into advertising and branding campaigns.

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