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The China Comic and Animation Museum is a Bubbly Building

Though it's not a rule, many cartoon characters take on simple and plump appearances, which makes the China Comic and Animation Museum a great home for the caricature community. Architectural firm MVRDV has won the competition to design the Hangzhou complex, and aims to create a bubbly environment to encourage the enjoyment of all.

The eccentric structure of the project incorporates eight balloon-like masses. Each has a whitewashed exterior, a compressed form, and perforations that promote passive ventilation. The spaces within the entertainment center exist within separate blimp-like buildings, but they open up to one another on the inside. The China Comic and Animation Museum will incorporate exhibition spaces, a theater, a food court and a pavilion dedicated entirely to cutting-edge interactive technologies.
Trend Themes
1. Bubbly Architecture - The incorporation of bubble-like structures in architecture presents opportunities for unique designs that promote passive ventilation.
2. Interactive Exhibition Spaces - The use of cutting-edge interactive technologies in entertainment centers and museums allows for immersive experiences for visitors.
3. Plump Caricature Aesthetics - The trend of simple and plump appearances in cartoon characters creates potential for unique and playful design elements in various industries.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Incorporating bubble-like structures and passive ventilation in building design presents opportunities for innovative architecture.
2. Entertainment and Tourism - The use of cutting-edge interactive technologies in entertainment centers and museums has the potential to attract more visitors.
3. Design - The trend of plump caricature aesthetics presents opportunities for playful and creative design elements in various industries.

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