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Breakfast Cereal Tea Bags

These Cereal Milk Tea Bags Allow you to Sip Your Favorite Cereals

Your favorite breakfast cereals are not cereal milk tea bags. This DIY project offers a sweet bite and easy breakfast idea. I am not a fan of cereal because I find it goes soggy so fast, so this is a perfect alternative for people who absolutely love cereal.

Imagine being able to have that flavor any time of the day, it is possible and it can be done with virtually any cereal like Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops and more.

First choose your preferred cereal, then take a tea bag of choice and empty out the contents, but save the string. Second, grind the cereal into itty bitty pieces and then funnel the grounded cereal into the empty tea bag. Tie the tea bag and out a little logo from the box to add as the tag. Pour some hot milk into a cup and steep the tea bag for as long as you desire, then enjoy!

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