Youthfully Graphic Wine Bottles

'Celler Masroig' Offers Non-Traditional Wine Products

Celler Masroig launched its first 'Vi Novell' a few years ago and since then, has expanded to a collection of six bottles. The brand recently enlisted the creative agency Atipus to design the branding for these bottles.

The wine itself is described as a unique product due to the fact that it is "young and perishable." As a result, the creative agency decided to design labeling that represents the youthful and dynamic nature of the wines. As a result, each individual wine label offers a section with information, while the rest of the label features bold graphic patterns that work to make the bottles as eye-catching as possible.

Celler Masroig's wines' visual branding works to perfectly represent the essence of the wines themselves.
Trend Themes
1. Youthful Graphic Design - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Incorporating bold graphic patterns and visually striking designs into product packaging to capture consumer attention.
2. Unique Product Branding - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Creating branding that reflects the distinctive qualities of a product, such as youthfulness and perishability, to differentiate from competitors.
3. Dynamic Wine Labeling - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilizing interactive and informative wine label designs that provide relevant information while incorporating visually appealing graphic patterns.
Industry Implications
1. Wine Packaging - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Revolutionizing the design and functionality of wine packaging to attract a younger consumer base.
2. Creative Agency - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Offering unique branding solutions, such as bold graphic designs, to help clients create standout product packaging and marketing materials.
3. Alcoholic Beverages - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introducing visually captivating and youth-centric product branding to reshape the perception of traditional alcoholic beverages and attract a new target audience.

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