Celebrations of Nerdiness

Dance Off with the Star Wars Stars

When is the last time that you felt the loving bond of other people who like dancing in Star Wars costumes? If your answer is, "Never," then you're not alone. But if your answer is, "Always," then you're also not alone.

Perhaps the greatest cultural shift in the last decade is that the internet makes it possible for even the most eclectic to find companionship and people with shared interests.

In this lovely video, characters dance while wearing all different sorts of Star Wars costumes. The video has gone viral.

The YouTuber who posted the video describes, "Vader steals the show in this years' dance off. This is part of the Hyperspace Hoopla show at Disney Hollywood Studios' Star Wars Weekends."

Umm, okay.

This lovely piece of randomness was send to me by one of my favorite Trend Hunters, Cowbag, who we featured earlier this week.
Trend Themes
1. Internet Community Building - Create online platforms that bring together people with eclectic interests to foster companionship and shared experiences.
2. Viral Video Marketing - Leverage the power of viral videos to generate buzz and reach a wide audience, promoting products or events.
3. Cosplay Dance Culture - Tap into the growing interest in cosplay dance performances, providing a platform for enthusiasts to showcase their skills.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Platforms - Develop innovative social media platforms that facilitate niche community building and foster connections between like-minded individuals.
2. Digital Marketing - Offer viral video marketing services to businesses, helping them create engaging content that resonates with online audiences.
3. Cosplay Events and Merchandise - Organize cosplay dance events and sell merchandise catered to the cosplay community, capitalizing on the growing interest in this niche culture.

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