Discount Gift Card Sites

CardNap Lets Users Re-Sell Old Gift Cards and Buy New Ones for a Steal

CardNap is a website that looks for and sells cheap gift cards to your favorite stores. Visitors that come to CardNap can also sell back gift cards that they haven’t used. The creator of the unique website is only 16 years old. Lachy Groom states that the initial project called Cardpool had been a flop, so they decided to revamp the project into something worthwhile. Thus, CardNap was born.

CardNap is definitely a good idea because people are constantly looking to get the best deal they can find. CardNap has an astonishing 11,242 gift cards available from all sorts of businesses, including Red Lobster, American Airlines, Bath and Body Works and so much more. The CardNap discounts range from around 2 percent to 24 percent.
Trend Themes
1. Discount Gift Card Reselling - The trend of reselling unused gift cards at a discount provides an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the gift card market.
2. Online Gift Card Marketplaces - The trend of online platforms like CardNap offering a wide variety of discounted gift cards opens up opportunities for disruptive innovation in the e-commerce sector.
3. Youth-led Entrepreneurship - The trend of young entrepreneurs like the 16-year-old creator of CardNap leading successful ventures showcases the potential for disruptive innovation driven by the next generation.
Industry Implications
1. E-commerce - The e-commerce industry can benefit from innovative platforms like CardNap that offer discounted gift cards to attract and retain customers.
2. Retail - The retail industry can explore partnerships with discount gift card reselling platforms like CardNap to drive customer loyalty and boost sales.
3. Financial Technology - The financial technology industry can leverage the popularity of online gift card marketplaces, such as CardNap, to develop innovative payment solutions and enhance customer experiences.

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