Calling In Gay to Work

Protesting Prop 8 Through Charitable Work

The new way to fight Prop 8; calling in gay. What is calling in gay, you may ask? A few years ago I was having a conversation with a gay friend about his frustration with homosexuality being branded as an illness. 

His argument was this; "If being gay means that I am sick, does that mean I can call gay?" Little did he know that he was on to something.

This version of calling in gay belongs to Sean Hetherington and his boyfriend, Aaron Hartzler.  They envisioned "A Day Without a Gay" to demonstrate to employers the importance of homosexuals under their employ. The movement encourages gays to call in sick to work and then volunteer their time to a charitable cause, instead of sitting at home watching soaps. 

So go ahead America, call in gay!
Trend Themes
1. Call in Gay Movement - Calling in sick to work as a form of protest and donating time to a charitable cause instead.
2. Employee Activism - Employees using their power to make a statement and promote change in their workplace.
3. Social Responsibility - Showing responsibility to causes that matter to the individual and that align with their values.
Industry Implications
1. Human Resources - Opportunity for HR departments to create policies that promote employee activism and inclusion.
2. Nonprofit Organizations - Opportunity for nonprofit organizations to partner with companies and their employees in promoting social responsibility through volunteering efforts.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility - Creating initiatives through larger organizations that promote employee activism and support charitable causes.

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