Altruistic Organic Fertilizer Technology

Byoearth is a Social Venture Preserving the Planet

Byoearth is a Guatemalan-based social venture preserving the planet through vermiculture & vermicomposting. Founded in 2007, the enterprise was originally aimed as an effort toward poverty-eradication in rural areas but has now expanded into vulnerable urban centers.

In partnership with SiKanda (Mexico) and with support and mentorship from the Unreasonable Institute, Byoearth and its founder Maria Rodriguez created Worms 4 Change, a global network of vermicomposters. The networked organization endeavors to champion its view that vermicomposting represents an important tool for development.

Byoearth uses red worms in the development of its sustainable projects, employing worm casting biotechnology. There are currently 45 women participating in Byoearth's 'Fertilize Your Future' project, which educates them on vermiculture and entrepreneurship in order to improve their daily lives.

Contact Information
Byoearth website
Byoearth blog
Byoearth on Facebook
Byoearth on Twitter
Trend Themes
1. Vermiculture Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new methods and technologies for vermiculture to enhance organic farming practices.
2. Social Entrepreneurship - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Implement business models that combine profit-making with social and environmental impact.
3. Sustainable Agriculture - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative solutions for organic fertilizer production and promote sustainable farming practices.
Industry Implications
1. Environmental Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop advanced technologies for organic waste management, including vermicomposting.
2. Social Impact - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore social enterprise models that address poverty reduction and environmental preservation.
3. Agricultural Technology - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop sustainable agricultural practices and technologies for organic fertilizer production and application.

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