Typographic Building Blocks

'TypeBlocks' is a Building Block Set That Teaches Kids About Typefaces

Most kids grow up with a building block set, but until now, no sets have taught children about more than phonics or colorways. These building blocks aptly dubbed 'TypeBlocks' are unconventional, but teach children about typography.

They do so by featuring the names of typefaces on each block that coincide with the letter of the alphabet. For example, the letter 'A' block also has the word 'Avant Garde' engraved on it. The lettered blocks also feature the upper and lower case specimen alongside the designer's name and the date that the typeface was created.

It is the perfect gift for your artistic kiddie or for any designer's kin. The set comes with 26 letters, one bonus ampersand block and a carrying back with a luxurious leather cord
Trend Themes
1. Typography for Kids - Creating educational products for children that deviate from traditional learning methods.
2. Typeface Education - Expanding the potential areas of education by incorporating lesser-known subjects.
3. Innovative Learning Toys - Blurring the line between play and education to create engaging and effective learning experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Manufacturing - Opportunity to diversify products by incorporating educational and unconventional aspects to meet changing market demands.
2. Education - Introducing typography education to early learning programs to broaden the scope of design and language related areas of study.
3. Design - Creating new products and educational tools for designers and other creatives for personal and professional development.

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